Fishing Report: 11/07/2010

Well the bass bite in the back bay finally came to life this week, with catches improving steadily after a slow start on Monday. Both live spot and fresh clam baits are now producing fish, with their preference seeming to change each day. But as long as you're prepared with both, it looks like it's Game On!
Tuesday I had Rick Fisher and 12 year old son Gavin out on their now annual Election Day bass hunt, with Gavin claiming family bragging honors with his matched pair or 32" and 31" linesiders. Wednesday brought out Tony Foti with grandson Tony and fishing partner Frank, who bagged five nice bass from the inlet before switching over to blues. The blues also cooperated, with plenty of 8 to 15 pound slammers coming over the side before tired arms sent us in. Thursday's downpour and clients nervous about Saturday's forecast wiped out those trips, but reports from the guys who went out in excellent bay fishing conditions on Friday and Saturday had everyone nailing double digit catches of bass. So they're here and they're hungry, just two weeks later than usual.
The next couple of weeks should be excellent fishing on both the bay and ocean sides if the weather holds. I still have a couple of open dates the week of November 15th for anyone looking to get in a trip before this year wraps up, and may continue for an additional week after Thanksgiving this year if there's any interest.