Fishing Report: Friday, June 4th

I hosted a group from UPenn today, including Jerome, Jerry, John, Mark, Ray and Steve. There was supposedly, according to Mark, an Andy on the boat today, too, but I never saw him. 68 degrees F. and humid to start the day today. Under mostly sunny skies, the mercury climbed to near 90 degrees F., cooler on the water with 5-10 knots of breeze from the Southwest. Seas were swells mostly of 3'-4' with a little chop, kept down with a roaring current running with the sea. The ocean surface temp. is 63degrees F., cooler near the beach with some upwelling effects from the Southwest wind direction.
It was a fair day for catching with a less than great day for sea bass keeping. Landings were around 175 fish, but less than 3 dozen sea bass went in the box along with a ling. Hard to single out anyone as having a better catching day than the rest. Thanks for coming down and fishing hard on the day.
Capt. Adam