Fishing Report: June Bug is Baaaaack!

June Bug had an uneventful trip from Oregon Inlet, NC back to Beach Haven last Saturday. We had terrible crew problems this year getting people who could arrange the time to help bring her home. We left Oregon Inlet at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and pulled into our dock in Beach Haven at 4:30 a.m. Sunday morning.
Capt. Michael Yocco and Art Barstow went along with me on the boat while Jim Hutchinson, Sr. was out faithful driver to get the truck home.
Sea conditions were super. 2' or so for the whole trip with 10 to 12 knot SW winds.
We had to get back last weekend since we had a charter on Monday. However, due to some mechanical problems, we ended up not fishing on Monday. We had gone to the Beach Haven Yacht Club to pick up our party and to refuel. We fueled but the port engine got an air lock that took hours to free up. Our party graciously agreed to come back on Friday.
We got the air lock freed up and got back to our dock around 2:30 p.m.
Thank goodness we had Capt. John Lewis along as mate on Monday. Between Capt. John and Capt. Rich from TowBoatUS, the two of them figured out what was wrong and got it fixed. Thanks, guys.
So it is now fishing time in New Jersey. There are lots of prime dates available, the weather has been great this spring, so get your friends and family together and come on down.
Capt. Lindsay Fuller
Cell 609-685-2839