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Sail King Fishing Charters

Sail King Sport Fishing Charters is a professional sport fishing charter service. Sail King is committed to providing anglers of all levels of experience the opportunity to catch the biggest, toughest fish the Atlantic has to offer, as well as insuring the safest, most comfortable and rewarding experience for those who live in and visit South Florida.

My name is Rob Mazzei - owner/operator of Sail King - I'm a U.S. Coastguard licensed charter captain and full time fishing guide, internet writer and guest speaker. I have been intrigued, you could say obsessed (ask my family) by fishing since I was just three years old. Now a professional, I put all my efforts into the sport of inshore and offshore light tackle sportfishing. With that kind of dedication and determination, you can see that fishing with Sail King Sportfishing Charters is the right decision.

Captain Rob Mazzei

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Home Port
Palm Beach, Florida


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