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Dream Catcher Guide Service

A Bass Fishing Guides Dream Lake

At 7000 acres, Lake Walk in Water has to be one of the best - if not the best bass fishing lake that I have ever fished. In the March 2002 issue of "Bass Master" magazine, they rated the lake as the third best bass trophy lake in the nation and number one in the state of Florida! Located only about 40 minutes from Disney, it also makes the perfect vacation destination. The entire family can enjoy the many attractions and dad have have a great time fishing. Incorporate a trip into your travel plans and have an exciting day on the water.

Florida Bass fishing guide Captain Butch says...

Capt. Butch has participated in numerous tournaments and has been a bass fishing guide for many years. He feels that the size of the average largemouth caught on Lake Walk in Water far exceeds the size of those caught on Lake Okeechobee or any other body of water in the state of Florida. It ranks number one of all Florida lakes for producing the most 10 pound plus largemouth per year.

Capt. Butch also offers bass fishing guide trips on Lake Okeechobee and Lake Istokpoga, but he is convinced that Walk in Water is THE best lake in Florida for trophy sized largemouth! This is a bass fishing guides dream lake!

Captain Butch

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Home Port
Okeechobee, Florida


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