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Captain Vernon P. Robey Charters
Prowl the crystal clear flats of Key West to the Serene shallows of Sugarloaf Key in search of the elusive bonefish, permit and tarpon with veteran guide and outdoor journalist Capt. Vern Robey. Viewed as an expert on the fly rod he is equally adept with any tackle owning all the light tackle records for the Suncoast Tarpon Tournament, topping the spin and plug records with a sixteen pound fly rod record fish weighing 141 lbs. Pulitzer Prize winning outdoor author Jeff Kinkenburg described his angling experience with Vern as unique, “as if I was fishing alongside a predator.” As a fifteen year Keys resident his vast knowledge of the backcountry allowed him to win the S.L.A.M./Redbone tournament as guide to the Grand Champions with the tournaments first team “grand slam” releasing all three of reining kings of the flats the bonefish, tarpon and permit. The shallows are indeed “Vern’s Backyard”, which he has also put into print over the years winning Fl. Outdoor Writers Assoc. awards for his magazine articles chronicling his outdoor experiences in publications such as the Florida Sportsman, Wood’s and Water’s etc. and his Key West Citizen weekly newspaper column Flats, Fly Rods and Ceiling Fans. It has been said that he is “not only the voice but the conscience of the backwater angler” and rightly so. His sixteen foot six inch Silver King powered by a ninety HP Yamaha and twin Great White electric motors is the perfect vehicle to probe virgin waters or take the pounding of a trip to the Marquesas and that occasional squall. Wintertime fishing is readily available for barracuda on the tough days but in between fronts the big three venture onto the flats for business as usual. As in the Winter, reservations are required for the Spring (April, May and June) on a first come, first serve basis with consideration always going to old fishing buddies who have paid their dues in sweat and salt over the many years. |
Captain Vern
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