Fishing Report: Give Summer Fishing Fun for Christmas !

Hi Folks!
Tis the season of gift giving and good cheer. What better gift for your significant other, family member, or business partners than a gift of light tackle fishing on Cape Cod ? I can draft up a letter authorizing the bearer, to one fishing trip for whatever duration or method you wish. All you need to do is print it out and wrap it up to have it under the tree for your gift giving excitement.
We offer light tackle 4, 5 and 7 hour striped bass charters available for $525, $600 and $800 respectively. Tuna charters are 8 hours or 10 hours and cost $1100 or $1400. We also now will do a combination bluefin tuna and striped bass trip for $1400. Giant tuna trips are available and solely target the biggest of the bluefin. Prices will vary according to the size of the party and method used to catch them.
Please email bruce@sportfishingcapecod.com or call 508 255-0911 for further info on any of the trips offered with Captain Bruce and Capeshores Charters.
Merry Christmas !
Capt. Bruce & "Marilyn S"