Fishing Report: 17 June 2010

The BILLFISH has found that while the numbers of striped bass have decreased, the quality in regards to size has gone up both on the Watch Hill Reefs and out on the Block Island ledges.. Both surface and subsurface lures have been producing fish to the 30 lb range. Very few bluefish are to be found at this time, but that specie can be found in good numbers at the Race and in Eastern Long Island Sound for those that are looking for premium shark baits. Fluke are around on Miquaumicut Beach over to Charlestown with a low keeper to throw back ratio. The dogfish are almost overwhelming at Block Island. These junior members of the shark family have be raising havoc with those seeking the doormats, especially when you fish te area from the Southwest Corner over to Southeast Light.
The first sharks of the year have shown up and the blue water arena is beaconing those who are looking for a excitement in seeking out the toothy critters. While the first catches were smaller blue sharks, they're have been reports of a few makos and threshers being taken. This weekend's Star Island Shark Tournament will no doubt prove that a few of the 'Purple People Eaters' and the 'Whiptails' will be found swimming in the multitude of slicks that the 200+ plus boat field wherever they set up. Water temperatures have finally reached the benchmarks that both species tend to be found in.
The first canyon reports indicate that a long trip is necessary to find the yellowfins, but once you find the correct temperature parameters and bait, the fish have been co-operative. This fishery will only improve from this time onward.