Fishing Report: Fishing May/June in Islamorada

I haven't kept up with this blog lately because I've been fishing pretty much every day. So, here is a recap of what has been going on - and what is yet to come.
The later part of May we had some good evening tarpon fishing. Some of the evening trips that took place around the full moon were a little slow. The fish are still averaging 100-150 pounds of pure fury. Lighting fast runs, screaming drags, fantastic jumps with the tarpon crashing into the water like a small car dropping from the sky and the look of amazement on everyone viewing the site. This is something every angler should experience at least once in their lives. We will have plenty of great tarpon action through June and into early July.
The backcountry continues to get better as summer arrives. The trout bite is still great with all the rod bending you want. Mangrove snapper is pretty much the same - all you want to catch and some nice 2-3 pounders showing up. The redfish have been excellent. Several trips I had in the later part of May where we targeted reds - we were catching 10 to 12 nice redfish a day up to 10 pounds. We were having a problem with some huge 200-300 pound sharks eating the redfish before we could get them to the boat. When the sharks show up like that - we either set up the shark rod and battle those big bruisers or we pack up and move to another spot. No sense in feeding those sharks all our nice redfish! On some of the really light wind days we have been getting some nice tripletail out in the Gulf area and a few cobia as well.
There is plenty of great fishing action here in June and July. Come on down and enjoy the fun!
Captain Steve Murray
Phone: 305 - 393 - 1641
Email: stevemurray126@att.net
Website: www.tarponheadquarters.com