Fishing Report: The Key West Fishing Report
Brought to you by Capt. Steven Lamp and Dream Catcher Charters. Featuring In depth fishing reports for
Flats - Backcountry - Wreck /Reef - Deep Sea

Lets Review Last Month Fishing In Key West
Looking back to the events of last month our experiences in May have shown us many things. Here in the Florida Keys and Key West we have painfully learned allot about the delicate balance we live in. Balance on scales that are not even within our area that can affect us in ways I don't think many of us ever considered. We also re-established and saw first hand how bad news travels much faster than good, how sensationalism has taken over truth and fact to be considered good journalism. Last month we also saw what folks will do to ensure their entitlements even before there is a problem.
The world is now watching the Gulf Of Mexico as the Horizon disaster unfolds. This weekend (memorial day) as we have our Bar B Q's and honor those that have fallen for our freedom we here in the Florida Keys and Key West are keeping a watchful and becoming weary eye to our North. With mixed reports and forecasts ranging from the disastrous to the not so bad for our future here in the Keys we wonder what the future will hold.
Environmentally speaking so far here in Key West and the rest of the Florida Keys we have not be affected in any ways by the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill tragedy. Economically we have heard unconfirmed stories of people experiencing cancellations that are in the tourist industry. We here at Dream Catcher Charters have only had 3 cancellations so far due to the Oil Spill hover have had 6 bookings from people that relocated their vacations from the North Gulf. Our business is up over 24% for the year to the previous years so far for our business. May was a great month for us, not for the lack of trying by our doom and gloom media to absolutely try and shut the Florida Keys and Key West down by un researched reporting.
Please read my forecast for thoughts about our future....
Now on to More important Fishing stuff.
The Fishing last month was AWESOME!!!! Inshore, offshore, deep drop, trolling all of it.. We had Banner May.. What fun. The weather was perfect, people came down we went fishing. LIFE IS GOOD....
The Current Fishing Report For June 2K10
The Key West tarpon migrations continue. We are seeing thousands of fish moving through the harbor and along he beaches. With the crystal clear waters and the amazing weather this has been a real treat for those that got out to it. Many of our anglers have had some 3 and 4 fish half days of tarpon fishing on the flats. Fun times.
The flats this time of the year are great. the return of the permit from their "wild thing" adventures is rewarding many of our anglers multiple shots at trailers looking for crabs in the summer tides. the bonefish are hoarding up here in Key West with even more numbers than we have had before and the years prior were amazing. Take advantage of this, the flats are prettier than ever if you can imagine that.
Offshore we have had some great fishing Check out our face book pages at Dream Catcher Charters to see the photos of our many great days out there on the water. Bottom fishing for grouper, snapper, muttons, yellowtails and permit on the wrecks were a blast. We caught lots of fish and entertained many folks with big smiles. The Mangrove Snapper spawn will be strong through June and the muttons will spawn again on the next moon in June.
Deep dropping was great as well. We dolphin fish for part of the day then its time to drop. Down to 700 ft of water for Grouper and Tile fish for the dinner plate. Great table fare. We had some snowy groupers up to 35lbs. Gold er tile fish up to 40 lbs.
My Thoughts on the Oil Spill and Key West Fishing forecast.. June 1 2k10
I am in touch with many folks that are "in the know" concerning the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill tragedy in the Northern Gulf. Just today I was told that the closure for federal fishing will be moved 40 miles to the East toward the pan handle of Florida, still not affecting us here in Key West, however a significant timestamp to show that this thing is still growing.
This weekend BP was going to try and do a top kill program to stop the leak or slow it down. This was a failure. Now it looks like the leak will continue till August. As we all know this may be a problem for areas South of the oil spill.
Here is what I know. The Loop current did not "eddie up" like we thought it would. It still could do this but the latest report this am showed the current reforming to make a loop from the Yucatan through the Gulf and back into the straights. This is still a NON EVENT immediately for Key West. I think from what I have learned the event will be East and South of us as the portion of the current that comes by the Key West and Dry Tortugas Area is WAY West and has a Southerly trajectory moving the possibility of Oil in tar ball form past and around us.
IF and I say IF>.. The oil does affect us down here, we are told that it will be in the form of Weathered Tar Balls. This is not the end of our fisheries, our coral reefs our world here in Key West This is a very manageable situation and NOTHING like what is happening in LA right now on their shore lines. However, with the misleading news sources we have seen so far it may be the slowing of tourism for a while.
Tar balls will not affect the fishing or the scenery here in Key West should they come. The best thing to do is keep in touch with us for further developments. We are telling everyone the truth about what we know..
Fishing Wise... We expect more of the same.. Plenty of fish, lots of great weather and a busy month ahead. Look for the offshore dolphin bite to get a bit smaller fish but more of them. The wrecks will hold permit all summer long. The tarpon will be here till the first of July then our year round fish will keep us entertained through the fall into November. The reef bite for snapper and grouper should stay red hot and the full moon will improve that for the spawning periods.
Capt. Steven Lamp...
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