Fishing Report: Monday, June 21, 2010

Captain Ian Keniston, Alec Levine and Jared Keniston ran the extreme day today. At 5:00 AM EDT, the air temperature was 65°F, the sky was clear, there was no wind and the visibility was excellent. On the fishing grounds, the wind was very light and variable in direction. The ocean was flat calm. These conditions (poor fish biting conditions) remained for whole trip. The air temperature was warm (perfect) in the morning but got very warm in the sun after noon. The sky was clear and the visibility was excellent. The surface water temperature on the fishing grounds reached a high of 63.8°F. The high air temperature at the Portland International Jetport, Portland, Maine was 85°F (with a low of 62°F) today. In Boston, Massachusetts the high was 85°F (with a low of 68°F) today. Concord, New Hampshire's high temperature was 86°F (with a low of 58°F) today.
The fishing was fair overall, very good on one spot and pretty slow on all the others. The day was just a typical non-biting day - at least for us. Most legal fish landed were pollock, by far. Legal landings also included eighteen cod, twelve haddock, four redfish, five cusk, one white hake and twenty dogfish that were released in a way that was exceptionally kind to them. They drift fished all day. Flies were the most productive part of the terminal gear used.
Norm Herrick (MA) was high hook with nine legal. His largest fish was probably a 9 pound pollock. John Russell (ME) won the boat pool for the largest fish with the largest fish, a 14 pound cod. He also caught the largest haddock at 6 pounds. The second largest fish was a 10.75 pound pollock caught by Peter Jaskevic (MA). Dave Belanger (CT) caught a 10 pound pollock for the third largest fish of the trip.
Other Angler Highlights: Joe Viggiano (NY) landed the hard luck award for being the only angler without a keeper. Hey, you can't have everything