Fishing Report: Saturday, June 19, 2010

Captain Ian Keniston, Alec Levine and Jared Keniston hosted the Matt Wood (all New York) full day trip charter today. At 4:30 AM EDT, the air temperature was 65°F, the sky was hazy clear, the wind was blowing out of the southwest at seven knots and the visibility was very good. The ride to the fishing grounds was perfect as it was flat calm. The wind started blow when they arrived on scene at the grounds. The wind steadily increased to about fifteen knots in the afternoon. Seas were chops of about one to two feet. There was still a strong current (like yesterday's trip). The sky remained clear, the air temperature was warm and the visibility ranged from excellent to ten miles. The surface water temperature on the fishing grounds reached a high of 61.1°F. The high air temperature at the Portland International Jetport, Portland, Maine was 84°F (with a low of 57°F) today. In Boston, Massachusetts the high was 84°F (with a low of 66°F) today. Concord, New Hampshire's high temperature was 88°F (with a low of 51°F) today.
The fishing was good to very good overall. Most legal fish landed were cod, by far. Legal landings also included twenty-seven haddock, seven pollock, five cusk, thirty-five dogfish and one sea raven, a culinary delight. They anchored for every stop. Jigs and flies caught the most fish.
Roy Granger was high hook with twenty or more legal. Some of his better fish included cod of 10 pounds, 12 pounds, 10.5 pounds and 13.5 pounds. Jason Hill won the boat pool for the largest fish with the largest fish, a 17 pound cod. Jason also caught a cod of 13.5 pounds. There was a tie for the second largest fish. Marcus Magee and Bill Millington both caught a 14 pound cod. Marcus also caught a 13 pound cod.
Other Angler Highlights: Blake Gadjo landed an 11.5 pound cod and a 13 pound cod. Scott Hayes caught an 11 pound cod. Adam Dangelico boated a 12 pound cod. Jessica Baker caught an 11.5 pound cod and a 12 pound cod, her two biggest fish. Krista Wood caught a 13.5 pound cod. Roger "Noodle" Hooch landed the hard luck award for being a "cluster" today. He lost a good haddock on the surface, he got into a few fish tangles, couldn't sing but still tried a lot.
Captain Ian Keniston, Alec Levine and Jared Keniston ran the afternoon half day (4PM - 8PM) trip. It had breezed up since the morning trip but the ride out didn't seem too bad. Seas were chops of two feet driven by a southerly wind of fifteen knots or greater. On the grounds, though, the wind and seas picked up. Winds increased out of the south to twenty knots plus and seas ranged from three to five feet. Three quarters of the anglers aboard were sea sick. The sky remained sunny, the air temperature was warm and the visibility was very good.
The fishing was good. Most legal fish landed were cod. One haddock was also caught. There were only twelve dogfish caught and there were also a hand full of sub-legal pollock, both species released, of course. They anchored for every stop.
Jason Arcangali (MA) won the boat pool for the largest fish with the largest fish, a 9.5 pound cod. The second largest fish was a 9 pound cod caught by Dave Iles (ME). He caught this cod as part of a double keeper catch with another cod of 6.5 pounds. The third largest fish was an 8 pound cod caught by Peter Barkyoumb (VT). He also caught this fish as part of a double keeper catch with another cod of 5.5 pounds.
Other Angler Highlights: Joe Alcott (NH) caught a 5 pound cod. Steve Iles (ME) and his son, seven year old Andrew Iles (ME) probably had the most fun of the trip as the majority were thinking of their equilibrium. They both caught legal fish at the same time. Steve caught a 5.5 pound cod while Andrew caught a 4 pound haddock. Captain Ian took a picture of both with their catch. This shot appears on the right. And Jarod McCarthy (CT) landed the hard luck award for, you guessed it, a good dose of the mal de mer. I heard he was the most vocal.
Andrew Barowsky (ME) gave me $250.00 to support my ride in the Pan-Mass Challenge, a cycling event to raise money cancer care, research and, ultimately, a cure. Thanks, Andy, very much. This is a wonderful event and I appreciate the help for those who really need it.