Fishing Report: Blackfin Tuna

Hello Fish Fans, The fishing off the coast of Stuart, Florida this past week was good overall but could have been better. The Dolphin fishing was slower than expected and most of the Dolphin were too small to keep. There were a few scattered Dolphin in the 15 Lb range but overall the schools of Dolphin this past week were peanuts. The weather conditions have been great and the weedlines are starting to form up. We’re starting to see debris like bamboo and wood with Dolphin on them and I’m sure we’ll start seeing some larger Dolphin again in the days to come. The best bite over the last several days has been the Blackfin Tuna. The Blackfin Tuna are starting to show up in numbers on Push Button Hill. Most of the Blackfins were 5 to 8 pounds but we did catch a couple that were 12 to 15 pounds. We caught 21 Blackfin Tuna yesterday on a full day trip and 10 Saturday on a 1/2 day trip.The Sailfishing has been good and you can expect 1 to 3 Sailfish hook-ups a day right now. The Sailfishing will be good to excellent on most days for the next 4 to 6 weeks while the summer migration north continues. We’re catchin fish and you should too, give me a call and we’ll hook you up. Catch you later, Capt. Wayne, Reel Busy Charters 305-304-9049 cell