Fishing Report: 13-Jun-10

Justin Earle, Sunset Key Guest Cottages General Manager, his Wife, Daphne, and Family Members Ron, Tasy, Mark, and Jasper spent the morning on the Lethal Weapon today. It was sunny, calm, and warm. DAvid and Andrew helped the folks catching Dolphin, Spanish Mackeral, Bonito, and Barracuda. Everyone caught at least one fish, and fillets were brought home! The boys fired one of our Bonitos down on the bottom at the "Curb" Wreck in 178' of water, and hooked a giant Goliath Grouper, but the monster was able to get back in the wreck and got away. It was an awesome day anyway, and a great time was had by all. Tight Lines and Screaming Reels, Cqpt Ted