Fishing Report: May 26th ... Early Morning, 6:00 am ...Pat Oconnell ...Fly-fishing

We fished right inside the inlet, picking up Stripers one after another. They were all in the 24 inch class but Pat landed two that measured near 30 inches each. By 8:00 am we had lots of good light overhead and so I headed on to the flats. At first Pat had trouble seeing what I was pointing out but soon caught on that it was shadows I wanted him to see. After a few missed cast he hooked up with a nice 27 inch Striper that took line way down onto the backing. The second fish came harder, Pat had a shot it turned, looked at the fly in the distance and turned away. Pat got his line back in and let out a second good cast .....way in front, in the fishes path and we waited for it to get close. Strip, Strip, Strip, Stop! Strip, ....Hook-up! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , fish on. 28 inches and thick