Fishing Report: 14-Jun-10

The open boat trip went very well. They caught fish all day and by the end of the day we were in a slam of cod and haddock that finished the day of perfectly. The bigfish for the day was a 17lb cod. The big money trip was GREAT. My goal for the day was to look for big fish. The big one was a 36lb cod. Runner up was 35lbs. We had a lot in the 15 to 20lb class. I am sure we could have limited out for the day, but I was not there to limit. We fished in depths up to 589 ft. WOW! All this was done on the Jefferies Ledge and beyond. The next few days we caught plenty of cod and haddock. Tim's trip on Sat. was great. Everyone caught fish. Todd and Timmy cleaned fished all the way to the harbor. They seem to be getting slower cleaning fish every day. Sunday was Jim's trip. By the end of the day there were a lot of haddock and cod in the coolers. Haddock ruled the day but cod was a strong second. Yes there are dogs to contend with and of course we release them swimming. LOL! The pictures below are from the Big Money Trip. Jimmy you lucky dog. That looks like the money fish to me. Sorry Scott! That 35lb cod was just a little light.