Fishing Report: 6/16/2010

Everything's fixed and we are back up and running better than ever!!!!
And what better way to start back than with good friends Joe and his daughter Sammie Jo West from Sanford,NC and Joe's nephew, Dylan Byrd from Olivia,NC.
We went out on a trip for Spanish Mackerel and Sharks and while running out the Cape Fear River I spotted some activity on top.
I slowed the Yeah Right II and Capt Chris deployed the lines and in just a few seconds I heard the soon to be famous words "FISH ON!!!"
After we limited out on Spanish Mackerel we went Shark Fishing. This too didn't take very long before we were hooked up.
The high light of the shark fishing had to be Dylan's big Hammer Head Shark. But, Sammie Jo also wrangled in a few herself including a very nice Spinner shark.
Another good day of fishing with Great friends!!!!
It's 4AM and I am getting ready for two trips today, check back and see how we do!!! Till then, Thanks for stopping by and God Bless Everyone!!!!
Fish On!!!
Capt's Butch & Chris Foster