Fishing Report: Martha's Vineyard Fishing Report ' June 8, 2010

The Squid Hounds are at the banquet?
For the past several weeks I have been complaining that the rips and shoals have been devoid of squid and squid hounds. That situation has changed radically and the squid hounds are having a banquet on the cephalopods in a big way. Squid have surrounded the island in very high numbers. Watching the slippery little critters jump out of the water in escape of hungry linesiders is a treat. Hooking up on a fattened up bass in fast moving rips is a challenge that can make for a very memorable experience. On several foggy mornings during the outgoing tide in Vineyard Sound, we had some great bass days. The fog and threat of rain kept many boats away so there had been little fishing pressure on the rips. That opportunity has now changed and you can expect to find lots of other boats at many of the well known shoals and rips. Let’s hope the banquet lasts a long time.
Each year around the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club Fly Rod Catch and Release Tournament my son and I do some hard core fishing from both boat and shore. It’s a wonderful time for us to bond and usually proves to be some of the best fishing of the year. This year was hot from the boat and cold from the shore. Despite all, we had a great time and I look forward to next year.
Here’s a tip for you when preparing to fish the shore in the evening: Always shake out your waders before putting them on. On Friday evening we were getting geared up for hitting the beach. When I shook out my seldom used waders a guest feel out on the grass (see photo). It was laden with an egg sack and probably just about ready to hatch its many youngens in the dark, musty new home. If it had, I think my evening would have been ended abruptly!
Fishing has slowed the past couple of days. Bass on the rips have gotten very picky so on Wednesday I plan on putting some serious miles on the boat in search of bass in open water. Who knows, maybe we’ll run across some palegics. Stand by for next weeks report.
Tight Lines and Singing Drags,