We had the pleasure of fishing with returning Castafari guest Dave Smith and his friend Bill for a tuna outing Castafari consultation on Daves boat. Scotty and I rigged things up and by 4 am we were blasting our way to Stellwagon in Daves 28 Hydrosport armed and ready!
The fog was thick and the wind was howling out of the southwest. We found some fish up on the flats of the bank on the southwest corner. It was tough to troll but we eventually hooked up on a ballyhoo in the long position. The fish was a menace too. It fought like a beast to the bitter end but Dave and Scotty finished the fish off after a 30 minute battle. It was a 71 inch fish....Daves biggest to date! I think Dave now has bluefin on the brain;)
Its lock and load out there right now, from the Bank all the way down to Peaked Hill. Dont wait too long to book if youre interested in a bluefin outing. We have the live bait for Castafari trips and there are still a few days in July still open! Consultation charters are open as well.