Thanks to all of you who attended the first annual Big Game Bash. It was a huge success, and Eric and I could not have done it without you folks. We had over 21 vendors who were very excited by the attendance. Everything worked out just as planned...even the weather! The good news is Eric and I will be making this an annual event, and we will be expanding it and doing it again in 2011. We are thinking about making it a full weekend long event. Stay tuned!!!
Good luck to all of you getting ready for the upcoming season. It wont be long. Also for those of you who are interested, I am adding a Castafari online store which will be up and running May 1st 2011. I will have instructional DVD packets for sale which will cover all aspects of bait rigging, kite fishing, planer fishing, tuna fishing, bass fishing ,and marlin fishing. Check it out when you can. Also if youre interested in purchasing one of our Castafari Canyon Packs, they will be for sale on the website as well. The Castafari online tackle store will be up and running by March 15th. We will be selling a few signature series Castafari exclusive products that will without a doubt, help to put you on the fish. We will also be selling our NEW line of Castafari T-shirts, long sleave and short sleave, including our X-DRY water/UV resistant stuff. Be sure and check it out!! For more info please visit www.castafari.com
Tight lines!